THE BLOG ★ Ramblings on WiFi & stuff.

The 802.1X Process (as told by Luis.)

In case you missed my WLPC Wireshark talk here’s the 802.1X process file… with COMMENTS.😬

It’s just the specific frames in the 802.1X process saved into a separate file with comments for each of the frames. Hopefully, it will give an decent understanding of what is actually happening during this process. ENJOY!

The great Michael Peńa.

The great Michael Peńa.

Here’s that actual .pcapng file for your use.

And if you’re interested in the SLIDES they’re here.

En Route to #WLPC/Phoenix!

WLPC 2019 is upon us and I’m off to Phoenix, AZ. But, first, I got a little shoveling to do. ❄️

Looking forward to seeing all my fellow Wi-Fi nerds and learn some stuff!

I’ll be presenting this year with a short talk on my favorite Wireshark customizations. Nothing too exciting, but hopefully some folks Weill get something out of it.

This will be the first year I will be going to both US AND EU WLPCs! I am really looking forward to my first WLPC-EU where I will be teaching the ECSE course.

I have plans for this year to start putting up more content on a regular basis. Working through some stuff the last few years and I am coming out the other end.

So, #WLPC Peeps, I’ll see you soon! And those of you who couldn’t make it, I hope you’ll be able to do so in the future. I miss you. 😢

For those of you who are trying to decide if it’s worth it, you can view video from ALL the previous WLPCs on their YouTube channel.

I’ll like to tell people that what I REALLY go to WLPC for is the community. Hanging out with folks, making new friends, sharing knowledge, and learning from some VERY smart people.

Videos are great, but PEOPLE are better.


Nice, straight forward Infographic on DFS Operations by @VergesFrancois

All of @MisterMultipath‘s blogs posts on 11ax are gold, Jerry! GOLD!

And here’s a detailed whiepaper on 11ax from National Instruments.

Another relatively inexpensive way to pcap on Windows - WLANPiShark: Wireless Capture With a WLANPi on Windows via @WifiNigel

Mike Albano's Client Capabilities List - An oldie, but a goodie, if you haven’t had a chance to check it out (or, contribute to) before.

Couldn't have said this any better myself - WiFi 6 is a Stupid Branding idea by the effervescent @NetworkingNerd

A nice survey tray alternative - The Swift Body Platform Harness for Laptops & Tablets thanks, @CurtisKlarsen for the link!

How Aruba Optimizes Performance of Dual 5-GHz APs via Aruba Blogs - Good read on the challenges of dual-5gig.

Spectrum Analyzers use this to break down sine waves. Good overview of how it works. - An Interactive Introduction to Fourier Transforms

Driven to Distraction (Revised): Recognizing and Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder - Highly recommended if you feel you are dealing with ADHD. Has had a huge impact on my life.

New PoE+ Battery Pack from Acceltex! ↝

Ooooooh… this looks nice. Besides looking pretty and offering PoE+, to ALSO has: 12v barrel connect out, and 5V USB out. Now, if they would only add 100W USB-C out. 😏


Good article detailing the differences between 802.11ax and LTE ↝

Good read from TechPlayOn. It’s short and to the point and outlines the differences between 11ax and LTE which has been using and reaping the benefits of OFDM-A for years.

It was last year when I first read/ discovered about 802.11ax on one of the websites mentioned below as references. Ever since I tried to collect more information and wanted to write about the same. But every passing day/ week/ month, I learnt a new aspect about 802.11ax. Being from Telecom Industry and Radio background, “throughput/speed/data rate ” makes us go ga-ga. Even if anyone ask us difference between 802.11ac vs ax or 3G vs LTE/4G first thing we point out is higher speeds.

But honestly, 802.11ax is much more than only speed. It is complete evolution or shall I say the moment for Wi-Fi Industry. When I started reading about MulteFire, LTE-U/LAA in the same spectrum, was bit worried about Wi-Fi and future as Wi-Fi as technology was designed for neutral environment and didn’t have sophisticated Interference mitigation from external sources. Then came the moment with 802.11ax, the features have made me believe again, Wi-Fi is here to stay and would play greater role in Future Networks, more than enterprise and indoors.

Good points.

Roaming for Apple, Samsung & Windows 10

Knowing is half the battle. Understanding how your devices make decisions helps you determine design requirements to build better WLANs. Here’s documentation on how Apple and Samsung devices make roaming decisions.

macOS & iOS Wireless Roaming for Enterprise

Apple was kind enough to provide this information for iOS.

Samsung Knox Roaming Algorithm

Knox is an Enterprise platform for Samsung devices that offers enhanced roaming. Learn how it works to help you support it in your wireless designs.

Samsung Knox Enhanced Roaming Algorithm

Windows 10 with Intel Adapter

Support for Fast BSS Transition Roaming on Windows® 10 with Intel® Wireless Adapters


The Traveling WiFi Engineer

I'm asked all the time how I travel with just ONE bag. So, I made a video! 

I am currently on an Around-the-World trip going from Denver to Abu Dhabi to Bangkok to Gold Coast, Australia then back to Denver. This will be about a three week excursion teaching the ECSE Design Course. I have brought one bag for all my items.

I do this for a few reasons: 1. I refuse to check anything. So, I never have lost luggage, 2. I like to move fast. Get through lines fast. Get to my transportation fast - one backpack makes this super easy to accomplish.

DISCLAIMER: On this trip I actually have two bags. One is for all my stuff, the other is for carrying stuff while I am out and about doing touristy stuff. My travel bag on this trip is the Goruck GR2, a 40L backpack. It's way to big to use as my EDC (every day carry) so I did bring my 5.11 Rush10 for day-to-day carry.

So, here is a video I made in my room in Abu Dhabi showing what's in my bag.