THE BLOG ★ Ramblings on WiFi & stuff.

The Traveling WiFi Engineer

I'm asked all the time how I travel with just ONE bag. So, I made a video! 

I am currently on an Around-the-World trip going from Denver to Abu Dhabi to Bangkok to Gold Coast, Australia then back to Denver. This will be about a three week excursion teaching the ECSE Design Course. I have brought one bag for all my items.

I do this for a few reasons: 1. I refuse to check anything. So, I never have lost luggage, 2. I like to move fast. Get through lines fast. Get to my transportation fast - one backpack makes this super easy to accomplish.

DISCLAIMER: On this trip I actually have two bags. One is for all my stuff, the other is for carrying stuff while I am out and about doing touristy stuff. My travel bag on this trip is the Goruck GR2, a 40L backpack. It's way to big to use as my EDC (every day carry) so I did bring my 5.11 Rush10 for day-to-day carry.

So, here is a video I made in my room in Abu Dhabi showing what's in my bag.