THE BLOG ★ Ramblings on WiFi & stuff.


Nice, straight forward Infographic on DFS Operations by @VergesFrancois

All of @MisterMultipath‘s blogs posts on 11ax are gold, Jerry! GOLD!

And here’s a detailed whiepaper on 11ax from National Instruments.

Another relatively inexpensive way to pcap on Windows - WLANPiShark: Wireless Capture With a WLANPi on Windows via @WifiNigel

Mike Albano's Client Capabilities List - An oldie, but a goodie, if you haven’t had a chance to check it out (or, contribute to) before.

Couldn't have said this any better myself - WiFi 6 is a Stupid Branding idea by the effervescent @NetworkingNerd

A nice survey tray alternative - The Swift Body Platform Harness for Laptops & Tablets thanks, @CurtisKlarsen for the link!

How Aruba Optimizes Performance of Dual 5-GHz APs via Aruba Blogs - Good read on the challenges of dual-5gig.

Spectrum Analyzers use this to break down sine waves. Good overview of how it works. - An Interactive Introduction to Fourier Transforms

Driven to Distraction (Revised): Recognizing and Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder - Highly recommended if you feel you are dealing with ADHD. Has had a huge impact on my life.