Only the best, precision install, for our VHD!

You can DESIGN right. Don’t mean it’ll be INSTALLED right.

via SBComs! Thanks!

Wi-Fi Is gonna kill us all!!!! 😱

OR… not.

Click on the tweet above (☝) to read the full thread. I guarantee you IT WILL NOT convince conspiracy nuts that insists 5G is irradiating our children and making us sterile, but it is an excellent dissection of the whole “5G is dangerous” line of thought.

This applies to Wi-Fi even more, because of the even more ridiculously low power levels we use in Wi-Fi than is used for 5G.

Thanks to @TroyMart for sharing!

Sad-Fi. 🙁

AP on metal.

Below metal.  

Beside metal.  

Surrounded. By. Metal.  

The #1 type of BAD-FI that I see. People still don't get that radio waves need to be able to get to the client. 



Dear, God. We finally, really did it!

 "You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! Damn you all to hell!"

I have no words. How does this happen? Dipoles, AND patches, AND multiple directions, AND stupid. 

I think I'm gonna cry now.  

Oh, the humanity! 😱