THE BLOG ★ Ramblings on WiFi & stuff.
Help ME, Help YOU, Help ME!!!! (Or, How Apple Broke Wireless PCAPs on the M1 Macs)
I need your help! The new M1 Macs seems to have broken wireless packet capture. Macs have been a go to tool for many wireless engineers because of the ease of native wireless pcaps. Now, it’s broken.
Can y'all help a brother out and do some testing on your M1s and see if you're getting the same results?
Even better, can you SEND me your pcap (if you are so inclined)?
Thanks! 😃
Wall Attenuation Measurement with @HeyEddie!
Did a little (long) video on Wall Attenuation measurement and why it’s important to get the best data into you WLAN designs.
I go over some basic RF math, Inverse Square Law, Free Space Path Loss, and the nerdy things here too.
Ep. 003: PCAP’n with Eddie! Multi-Channel Captures in Windows
Due to a recent “snafu” with my Omnipeek licensing, I was on the hunt for multi-channel packet capture alternatives. I believe these two options are currently the best and easiest way, to do this on Windows.
Yes, you can do this with the Ekahau Sidekick, but a.) it requires a Sidekick, and 2.) you can really only do two channels (any more and the two internal NICs start channel hopping). Below are the items you'll need.
Ep. 002: PCAP'n w/ Eddie! Wireless packet capture on the Windows!
Basic intro on how to do a wireless (Wi-Fi) packet capture on Windows, on the cheap, using Wireshark 3.0 and the Netgear A6210. IMPORTANT STUFF!👇
01:54 - Wireshark installation particulars.
04:01 - Supported NICs
07:05 - Putting NIC in RF Monitor Mode
09:31 - Setting the channel to capture on
IMPORTANT! You MUST install the Netgear drivers, to you will not be able to capture on any UNII-2 channels. Download the drivers here -
My WLPC 2019 Presentation - "WiFi-Shark Fu"
The Traveling WiFi Engineer
I'm asked all the time how I travel with just ONE bag. So, I made a video!
I am currently on an Around-the-World trip going from Denver to Abu Dhabi to Bangkok to Gold Coast, Australia then back to Denver. This will be about a three week excursion teaching the ECSE Design Course. I have brought one bag for all my items.
I do this for a few reasons: 1. I refuse to check anything. So, I never have lost luggage, 2. I like to move fast. Get through lines fast. Get to my transportation fast - one backpack makes this super easy to accomplish.
DISCLAIMER: On this trip I actually have two bags. One is for all my stuff, the other is for carrying stuff while I am out and about doing touristy stuff. My travel bag on this trip is the Goruck GR2, a 40L backpack. It's way to big to use as my EDC (every day carry) so I did bring my 5.11 Rush10 for day-to-day carry.
So, here is a video I made in my room in Abu Dhabi showing what's in my bag.
Great video by @WirelesssGuru from Aruba Atmosphere in Vegas
Not all mobile devices are created equal and not all agree on the best ways to roam when connected to Wi-Fi networks. A recent poll of Wi-Fi experts agree 80% of Wi-Fi issues are client related. Wi-Fi clients are like humans.
Integrity and the WLAN Professional by @samuel_clements
This is a great talk, from a great guy, with a fantastic post of view.
Great MU-MIMO Overview by Jerome Henry
This video examines some interesting challenges related to 802.11ac MU-MIMO by @wirelessccie