@amyengineer @HeyEddie one of my faves pic.twitter.com/rnrLIj1Zbw
— Mitch Dickey (@boostinbadger) July 17, 2014
Saw this at a customer site where were upgrading the controller and seeing, “what's wrong with our wi-fi”?
So, what’s problem here? Glad you asked.
First, APs should never be above ceiling if you can help it. You want the RF as close to clients as you can, so why add another layer of separation?
Second, look at that AP! It’s surrounded on all sided by metal! Pipes and conduit above, below, to the side. And how about that foil covered air duct right next to it? You have RF bouncing all over the place before it gets a chance to get below the ceiling.Even if the AP was MIMO capable (it’s not) the multi-path would be atrocious.
Don’t do this.